Irwin Toy Ltd V American Pros And Cons

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I truly believe that The Supreme Court is currently effective at maintaining and upholding the rights and freedoms of Canadians. I think The Supreme Court is necessary and is vital to our society. The Supreme Court brings justice to not only individuals but considers the needs and betterment of society in the R.v. Jordan case, Irwin Toy Ltd. V. Quebec and Saskatchewan (Human Rights Commission) v. Whatcott. The first case that supports my opinion is R.v. Jordan. Jordan claimed that the length of his trial infringed on his s.11(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which gives people the right to be tried in a reasonable time. Without the Supreme Court Jordan would not have been able to appeal and therefore would not have found the delay in his hearing to be unreasonable. Jordan would have had to serve the time waiting for his trial plus whatever sentence he received during his trial. …show more content…

V. Quebec. In this case Irwin Toy Limited, a toy manufacturer, broadcasted advertisements which were in violation of the Consumer Protection Act which prohibited advertisements under the age of 13. The Supreme Court of Canada put the needs of the society over the individual. They were able to define and explain the rights of the company and society. Which in fact later on they decided corporations are not protected under the charter as they can not enjoy life, liberty or security of the person. The Supreme Court of Canada had societies best interest at heart and agreed that children under 13 should not be subjected to commercials as they are easily manipulated. In conclusion the SCC clears up the grey areas when it comes to