
Is College Worth It Essay

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All throughout our education, teachers have told students that we need to prepare for college. Now, there bb former ivy league professors saying that it might not be worth all the preparation. Many people dream of going to an ivy league and work diligently through high school to achieve this. I for one do not believe that all the stress is worth it. College is college. I am sure ivy leagues make people feel academically superior and boost confidence, but I also know that it can do quite the opposite. Former Yale professor, William Deresiewicz, compares students to sheep. He says that they are herded towards the field with no sense of self direction. Students are pushed towards success with the intent of boosting their confidence. In reality, this is only driving them to strive for the highest grade without a sense of purpose. …show more content…

You attend school for 12 years on average, and depending on what you are majoring in, you attend college for another 4 years at the least. 16 years of your life spent in school is a big deal for a lot of college graduates. They then feel proud for keeping their focus and achieving a major life goal. The argument of increasing your life and health also lies with college graduates. Low blood pressures were linked to people with a college degree, as well as reports of physical exercian. College students reported exercising at least once a week. I will counter the argument of being financially stable with reports of several graduates being in debt. There was a 91% increase of loans and/or debt by 2012. These loans and debts were causing students to move back in with their parents while trying to pay them off. As for having better job opportunities and unemployment rates, recent graduates are unemployed. Many are also working in jobs that do not require a degree. They spend all those years attaining a degree, only to work in the same field as a high school

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