Is Fast Food Better Than Lunch Food

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Fast food can actually be healthier than lunch food. Fast food may have quality meat, depending on which fast food restaurant, but it is very high in calories, carbohydrate, oil, and fat. Lunch food may use different meat, depending on which school it is, but there are standards for what meat and food is being sold in schools, which for that, students can be eating healthily. Fast food should not be served at schools it contains many chemicals that aren’t safe for students to eat, fast food can also lower academic performance for many students, fast food is the cause of diseases, leading students to probably feel sick if they aren’t eating the right foods. Fast food would be nice as an option for students for eating, but the only reason that fast food should be served as lunch is if the cafeteria food is not hitting standards or expectations. …show more content…

Cafeteria food is better than fast food because the cafeteria food is not like fast food; fast food has a lot of unhealthy stuff in it. Cafeteria food is just as good as fast food, because cafeteria food can be healthier, but it isn’t as fast as fast