
Is Feminism Still Relevant Today

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Imagine a dystopia where people are treated differently because of their gender. Where one is paid less, and treated less than the other. Often treated as less than human. This sounds like an awful place to live. Except it’s not a dystopia. It is our world, our very own society. Many people don’t even notice, or claim it to be an exaggeration, but it’s not. Feminists are the ones that see these problems and try to fix them. The official dictionary definition of feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men” but it can be so much more than that. Feminism is a theory of equality between men and women that is full of heros and allows people to feel safe and accepted.
Feminism is more heroic than people might think. Change scares people, and that is exactly what feminists want. It officially started with the first Women’s Conference in Seneca Falls in 1848. They started campaigning for such things as divorce, higher education, and equal pay. While the fight is not over yet, the organization has come a long way since then. Many celebrities have …show more content…

It’s an acceptance for people of all types. Gender roles destroy our society, and make people feel wrong for daring to go against them. A girl should play with dolls, not cars. A boy should play with cars, not dolls. There are certain clothes we are supposed to wear, things we’re supposed to do, and roles we’re supposed to play. We’re even assigned colors the day we are born. It seems like a messed up dystopia, but it is our lives. If a girl likes pink and shopping, she’s a ditz. If she likes race cars and football, she’s trying to be a guy. If a guy likes anything “feminine”, he’s gay. We have such strict standards that nobody is allowed to be themselves. There is such a low opinion of women that it affects each and every person on this planet. Feminism boosts that opinion, which helps everyone in the long

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