Is Honor Roll Requirement To Play Sports Essay

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Is Honor Roll a Requirement to Play Sports?
High School is meant to prepare us for college. Most teachers relate their teaching skills to their experience at college so we are ready for those four years in our life. Now why should school sports be any different? Face it, the chances of any of us making it to professional sports are as slims as a toothpick. Studies show that of all The NCAA football players only 1.7 percent make it to the professional level. Think of all the students that have come to Seneca High School in the past thirteen years, only 2 of those thousand of people have made it to professional sports. That’s why it’s important to keep up your grades because if your dreams come to an end you have no backup plan. If I’m being …show more content…

Do they get paid? Do they play for a long time? If all else fails did they get the education to prepare them for life beyond sports? The average playing career for NFL players is 3.5 years, the average MLB career is 5.6 years, the average NBA career is 4.8, the average NHL career is 5.5 years. If you get drafted right out of college and are able to live the average career span of any of these sports you’ll be out of a job by the ages of 25-27. Most of these players will need to find a job because their money from professional sports won't accommodate their lifestyle. Now you’re really going to be wishing that you focused on school in high school and college and didn't slack off and focus on sports. To division 1 schools sports come before grades, even if your grades slip you might lose your scholarship but they aren’t going to say you can't play until you pick your grades up. Not everyone else is story is the same, Jake is a Division 3 lacrosse player that’s able to maintain his GPA because he put his role as a student-athlete in perspective. His coach made it very clear to them that family comes first, then school, then lacrosse. If he had a family emergency he had to deal with that before he went to lacrosse practice. If his GPA was going down hill he would no longer be on the team. Jake is living in perspective which will help him in the