Is It Wrong To Play Pokemon At Auschwitz By Leonard Pitt

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It’s wrong and very disrespectful to play video games at Auschwitz and related ¨sacred¨ places.
In Leonard Pitt’s article, “Capture this: It’s wrong to play Pokemon at Auschwitz” mentions that people visit these “sacred” places, the Sept. 11 memorial in New York City, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, Arlington National Cemetery and Auschwitz.
Pitt’s strengthens his argument by providing evidence, a tweet from Arlington, “We do not consider playing ‘Pokémon Go’ to be appropriate decorum on the grounds of ANC.” Being said by the ANC is more than enough to believe Pitts claim and know that it is very inappropriate.

But, not everyone has the same point of view. According to his article, when a Washington Post reporter