Is Psychology As Any Other Credible Field Of Study

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Some people do not recognize Psychology as science, however Psychology is just as much as science as any other credible field of study. Humans are curious creatures, we often ask “Why?” and have many inquires about not only the world around us, but ourselves. Science is often generally classified as the organized study of something, normally through extermination and observation. People can develop a hypostasis about anything at any time really, but when someone test that hypostasis they need to use the scientific method logically. Psychologist test many hypostasis to discover more about human nature. Without Psychology, we would know so little about thoughts, feelings, actions, and social interactions. Many skeptics that think Psychology is just a bunch of …show more content…

By asking a simple question like, “Does it work?” or “Is it credible?” can lead to experiments and research. In many cases, someone’s skepticism can cause the disapproval of someone else’s hypostasis. Approaching things with a scientific attitude not only calls for some skepticism, but for humility as well. Just as stated before, people need to be humble in what they do, or do not know. Realizing that we are all vulnerable to error is key in research. Knowing that a test may contain error perpetuates the likeness of the test being done again, and again offering a higher chance of finding to answer if the hypostasis was wrong or not. The curiosity, skepticism, and humility of many scientist has shaped how we view and question our world today. With these attitudes, people can think more critically. Critical thinking helps people view things in a different light then they normally would. Using this type of thinking and correlational research has helped answer many psychological questions humans have had. However, many people do not think correlational research is not