
Is Scout Finch Dynamic Or Dynamic

620 Words3 Pages

Emily Rove
English 9 Per. 9
12 May 2023
Scout Finch
Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, was told from the first person perspective of Scout, Jean Louise, Finch and was a unique blend of Scout’s younger and older self. The setting of the story takes place in a small town Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb was described as an old town with lots of rainfall, and heat that's hotter than the sun. Scout Finch was a protective, confident, and intelligent girl, who demonstrated the theme of growing up and knowledge/education.
Atticus Finch, the protagonist of the story, was introduced in the first chapter of the novel. “Atticus went to Montgomrey to read law, and his younger brother went to Boston to study medicine” (Lee 5). The antagonist …show more content…

First, she was a round character who had a very complex personality. Scout was also considered dynamic because she changed throughout the story. Scout was often very protective of Jem, despite him being older, “Don’t you touch him!”(Lee 204). Scout gets very angry and defensive when people mess with Jem. Scout can also be described as a confident person. “Let him go, Scout. Why?” (Lee 30). Scout beat up a boy that was bigger than her, which shows she was self-assured. Overall Scout was a very intelligent girl. “Now you tell your father not to teach you any more…”(Lee 23). Miss Caroline was so convinced that Atticuss taught her how to read and write, but in reality Scout learned all of this by herself. In conclusion, Scout Finch was a very capable girl who was very protective, confident, and …show more content…

In the beginning of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout did not notice the racial differences in her community, but later in the book ,when Tom Robinson went to trail, she finally realized how diverse the town really was. “Then why did Cecil say you (sec) defended (sec) [African Americans]? He made it sound like you were runnin’ (sic) a still,”(Lee 100). The kids at school were bullying Scout, because her dad was defending a black man. That being said, she didn’t understand why; which made her very curious about the difference between black and white social status. Another theme displayed by Scout was knowledge and education. For such a young age Scout seemed to be very advanced in reading and writing. “Scout yonder’s been readin’(sec) ever since she was born, and she ain’t (sec) even started to (sec) school yet…”(Lee 8). In this quote Jem said that Scout had basically been smart since the day she was born. To sum it up, Scout Finch really appreciated knowledge and the ability to grow as a person. Scout Finch, an intelligent, confident, and protective character, who grew up and realized how diverse the town was at the time. She also valued knowledge and education by reading with her father Atticuss. Just like Scout I also enjoy reading. I think that reading is a very fun way to entertain yourself when you're bored. Overall I really enjoyed reading this book, I feel like it showed a representation of how it was like back in the

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