
Is Stem Cell Research Good Or Bad

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What Is Stem Cell Research? Stem Cell Research research using undifferentiated cells either from an embryo or an adult. Stem Cells are cells that have the ability to develop into any of the different cell types that make up the tissues and organs of the body.Adult stem cells (stem cells that are located a developed organism) can be found in cells such as in bone marrow, teeth, brain and heart.In today's world bone marrow is the most used stem cells . This is because bone marrow stem cells rebuild or reform other tissue and white blood cells after it has been destroyed and has more stem cells then any other tissue or organ found in one's body.You can use bone marrow stem cells to treat all sorts of disease one of the main differentiated …show more content…

No its not more important because that person has had the chance at life but that unborn child has not. Many people agree however many disagree. Some people argue that the baby has not developed yet. Therefore it is not murder other disagree saying that the egg has already been fertilized.However to get the stem cells from a unborn child the surrogate mother must undergo an abortion.(Firpo, Meri T.) This maybe a question that is never definitely determined.

Stem Cell research Good or Bad?

A cell that is able to make up and develop the cells necessary to makeup the tissue and organs of the body.The cell originally makes up the organism which develops stem cells.These stem cells can divide endlessly which produces more cells or stem cells.(Firpo, Meri T.) Earlier on after contraception a human embryo is made up of a blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells.These cells end up dividing and develop into organs and tissues of a human,this process is called differentiation. ("The Journal of NeuroscienceSociety) Animals benifit from stem cell research as well as humans.Vets have used stem cells to help dogs and horses with degenrative arthritis.(Gutierrez-)

Is embryonic stem cell research …show more content…

Adult Stem Cells are also called tissue-specific stem cells. These cells are specialized and are found in fetuses, children, and adults. They are said to exist in most of the body’s tissues, such as skin, intestine, liver, brain, or tissue. These cells have the ability to become any one of the cells that they originate from.
Pluripotent Stem Cells have the ability of taking on many fates of the body, Including more than 200 different cell types. Pluri- means many and -potent means potential.
Embryonic Stem Cells which created pluripotent stem cells, are only visible at the earliest stage of development and form all cells that an adult body will have. After about five days of development these cells no longer will exist.

The Discovery and isolation of embryonic stem cells has led to debate over whether it is right to utilize cells taken from human embryos for research. People have showed concern about using human embryos and bring together some of their cells. Some people consider embryos already to be human beings. The embryos are damaged in the process of isolating the stem cells. Many people consider it erroneous to eliminate human embryos, but other people believe that the potential medical benefits of stem cells justify their utilization.(Firpo, Meri

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