Is The Grinch Good Or Bad

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Do you think the Grinch is good or bad or is he guilty or not guilty? Well that is how it is in the Grinch we had to watch the movie about the Grinch to find out if the Grinch was guilty or not guilty. He was very nice because he saved sindy life because she was about to fall down the hill and he lifted the slay before it fell. The Grinch is not guilty of the charges brought against him nor does he have poor character. Although he is bad he steal cared so he gave back the presents. After he gave back the present he evidit the whole hover ville to his house for a christmas dinner and his house got clean and the feast was very big. He was very nice to thim. He let them move in with he. The Grinch was a bad person. The Grinch had bad