Is Your Life Under The US Constitution Really Okay With You Essay

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Is Your Life Under The U.S Constitution Really Okay With You?! Over U.S.A's long history it has made a lot of development in their constitution and laws, or the Bill of Rights, but some amendments can impact the U.S more just like how the U.S Constitution can impact living in the U.S in a positive and negative way. I consider the most important amendment is amendment 1, freedom of expression and religion which allows allow people to establish their own religions and give people the freedom of speech. This amendment is more important than others because one, it allows any person to say what their opinion is, for example if someone were to say the president or leader is terrible in public they would not be prosecuted while in North Korea …show more content…

The ability of freedom of speech also allows citizens to file lawsuits if something were to be unfair even if the government were to decide it, for example if Starbucks had put too much ice onto ice coffee making it look like there is more coffee they could be sued for large amounts of money which had happened recently. Another reason the amendment is the most important because the freedom of deciding your own religion allows your family and others to be able to follow the paths they want to, if they want to celebrate Christmas they are allowed too, same thing goes for any other religious holidays. Also, if people are allowed the freedom of religion they can jump from different religions to experience new ways of life until a citizen is good with their religion, overall amendment 1 gives the citizens of the United States a positive diversity. The U.S Constitution is very important to keeping the United States working, with that, the Constitution can be both bad and good. Something positive with the U.S Constitution is that it is not ruled by one, tyrants, or a democracy with possible inexperience citizens. The U.S Constitution consists of many branches instead, these branches each have their own