Is Yours A Learning Organization?: Article Analysis

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In The Harvard Review article, Is Yours a Learning Organization? Over the past two decades, organizational research has discovered three factors that are significant for organizational learning and adaptability. The first building block of a learning organization is having a supportive learning environment, in which contains four characteristics. In order to learn, employees cannot fear to be belittled when they disagree, ask questions or present a minority viewpoint to an authority figure or fellow employee . That being said, psychological safety is a characteristic in having a supportive learning environment, as employees must be comfortable expressing their thoughts. Learning occurs when individuals become aware of opposing ideas, thus, …show more content…

Personal mastery is first discipline mentioned, and is not something individuals can possess, but it what Fifth Discipline calls a “lifelong discipline.” High levels of personal mastery portray self-confidence, and the ability to become aware of their ignorance and incompetence . Furthermore, those with high levels of personal mastery are constantly expanding their ability to create the results they desire, through the ability to see the current reality as it is and defining what is important to them . Mental models is the following discipline and it shapes how we act. Mental models are powerful in affecting what we do because they affect what we see. An example given in the chapter states that two people with different mental models can observe the same event and describe it differently, because they look at different details . The third discipline of creating a learning environment is a shared vision between all employees in the organization. A shared vision is a vision that individuals are committed to one another having it, because it reflects their own personal vision . A shared vision is significant for the learning organization due to the fact that it provides focus and energy for learning, as generating learning occurs only when people are striving to accomplish something that matters deeply to them7. The last core discipline mentioned is team learning. When team learning …show more content…

Moreover, it is difficult to escape hierarchy in organizations due to the fact that seniors in organizations would have to surrender their privilege to have their opinions prevail . When relating GPIC to this reference, constant dialogue leads to complex issues being explored and the creation of new innovative concepts and designs. Ideas are encouraged, as the goal for the GPIC is to foster innovation. Therefore, any difficulties in team learning and dialogue are non-existent. Similarly, the first building block of the learning organization, creating a supportive learning environment, relates to the theme of dialogue. Psychological safety in a working environment is vital as employees cannot fear being belittled from authority figures when they disagree or provide a different viewpoint then them (113). That being said, feelings of comfort are expressed when conveying thoughts or

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