Islamic Students Role In Canada Essay

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Allah’s revelation on His most beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Quran which begins with the word, “Iqra” meaning “read” makes it significant for each Muslim man and women to learn it; not only learn it but learn it by heart and mind. It is a prime duty of each Muslim to make the Quran part of his/ her life and make his/ her body and soul according to the teachings of Almighty Allah. Quran says that it is light for its believers and it shows the right and straight path to them which will obviously lead them to the Jannah. Unfortunately, with the passage of time, Muslim Ummah has been getting away from very basic and fundamental teachings of the Holy Quran; and finally leading them towards ignorance …show more content…

They take a child even without a non-native Arabic background and conduct various Quran courses online for the contented learning of the Holy Book. In the near future, this sacred cause is not going to be limited for the Canada and United States but it will grow to the international level and each corner of the world will get benefited out of it. Quran is presently being taught at various levels depending upon the comprehension capability and educational background of the student. For the beginners, it is only reading and reciting course which is followed by the translation course, then it comes to the professional Islamic scholars’ learning courses. These courses include Hifz (reading without seeing the Book), Tajweed-o-Qira’at (reciting with actual Arabic accent and style), Tafseer (the detailed explanation of the verses narrated by Almighty Allah), Aalim (the professional Islamic scholar), and various level teaching courses; which are also taught online. Online Quran learning is basically an easy and affordable way for the busy parents with limited resources yet with the quest and eagerness to make their children learn Quran by their hearts and minds. It is not only about learning in these online Islamic institutes but also the Muslim children are being made aware of their golden Islamic values and traditions by introducing them to various Islamic etiquettes and worthy