Israel Pros And Cons

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After the State of Israel had been around for 50 years, wars lessened and attempts at negotiations started. In 1988, Arafat, the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization(PLO), declared the State of Palestine, not indicating the borders of the state or how it would interact with the State of Israel, “the announcement was mainly a political declaration of hope and intent without immediate practical meaning”(pro-con). This was an aggressive attempt on the part of the Palestinians to establish themselves as a Nation, and they would not be ignored. In 1993, Israel and the PLO come to an agreement. Arafat wrote a letter to the then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin; announcing a declaration of peace, recognising Israel and condemning violence towards Israelis. Israel would in turn acknowledge the PLO as the negotiating body of the Palestinians.(pro-con) This was a huge step towards peace for these two nations. They were willing to recognise each other as legitimate governing bodies, allowing for further negotiations to continue. The …show more content…

Israel, Gaza and the West Bank will also be required to meet every two years to discuss their own progress and the progress of the region. This will allow for unforeseen roadblock, that could possibly threaten the peace treaty, to be discussed. The peace talks should then occur and evolve with the evolving region. These talks will occur every two years until 20 years after the initial proposed negotiations, allowing the countries to develop and begin to trust one another. A new generation will grow up without fear of rockets falling on their houses and without the immediate knowledge of what to do when they hear a siren. Without a solution, the region will continue to crumble with war after