Issues Of Ending Child Homelessness In America

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My topic that I have researched is homeless. I believe homeless is a very serious problem that is overlooks way too much. It seems like homeless people are everywhere and no one cares about them. No one tries to change the fact that people are sleeping on the disgusting ground where everyone walks. This critical issue is important because no human should have to live that way especially children that have no option. This should be one of our major concerns in the world but it’s not. More and more people are becoming homeless for many different trends. According to many different government officials the rate of homeless people in America is actually decreasing. How is that so when it’s nearly or even impossible to account for all homeless people? …show more content…

No child should have to move bed to bed on a regular. Children needs a stable home when growing up. unfortanally, that is something the child doesn’t have any control over. Child homelessness is continuing to grow in America. With child homeless there are many reason a child could become homeless. The main reason is always because of their parent or parents. Which brings me to the fact that generally, “A typical sheltered family is composed of a single mother with two or three children, often younger than six years of age” according to Ellen Bassuk in the article Ending Child Homelessness in America. With all this moving place to place affects the child now and their future. “Research indicates that homelessness and residential mobility leads to poor school performance, repeating grades, dropping out, and lower rates of high school graduation” (Bassuk). With that being said why isn’t this the government doing more for child homelessness? The children of today will be our future presidents, teachers, doctors, and etc. Children is our future and the parents don’t see the importance of that, then the government need to step in and …show more content…

Whether it is sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. All of these has a lasting impact on the child. Experiencing this abuse the child could easily become a convent. They also can be a part of the fifty-five percent of the homeless ex-cons who are in and out of prison as mentioned in Ex-Prisoners, Homelessness And The State In Australia. As Bassuk implied in the article Ending Child Homelessness in America, a child that is homeless has a higher chance of struggling in adulthood.
Homelessness is something we need to stop avoiding. The first step in recovering is admitting that there is a problem. As a country we need to take the first steps. The ex-cons have done that so we need to try and make them productive citizens. We need to pay more attention to America children to make sure they don’t become the new generation of ex-cons due to homelessness.
For most people in the world like myself believes that our veterans are the true heroes. So, when they return home from protecting us I believe its only right that they should never struggle with the basic

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