Ivan The Terrible Essay

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Ivan the Terrible was known as the Tsar of All the Russias from 1530-1584. His ruling was affected by his rough childhood, being abused and mistreated. The outcomes of his childhood resulted in him destroying his rivals and claiming the throne of Tsardom. During Ivan’s reign as an absolute ruler, he obtained large amounts of land through cold-hearted methods, which helped him create a centrally controlled government. Although Ivan was very smart and dedicated, his anger overpowered him. Ivan the Terrible was seen as a divine ruler empowered to do God’s will.22222 Ivan withstanded all of the Mongols, and also provided great territorial expansion, and centralized the bureaucracy. Ivan, being the cruel person and outrageous ruler he is, had blood …show more content…

It is unknown who wielded more power, Ivan or the council. In 1550, Ivan declared a reformed code of laws and a new system for justice. This was called the Sudebnik, where criminal acts were clearly clarified, and punishments were dictated for each. In addition, judges who were appointed by Moscow, would share their benches with representatives elected by local populations, in an effort to curb the practice of corrupt judges that sold justice to those who could afford it. Now magistrates would, at least in theory, enforce the laws equally, without discrimination against persons of low status. The central Moscow government also became more professional through a division of labor responsibilities. The Foreign Office was established, as was the Bureau of Criminal Affairs, the Land Office, and the Office of Military Affairs. Local officials were appointed to oversee the rebuilding of Muscovy fortresses and then given other assignments. In the 1530s local police officials were appointed to try to stamp out crime, which was rampant during the disorder of Ivan's early years. Ivan, being angry all of the time, could have used his power more productively by following Charles Baron de Montesquieu theory. Dividing the three branches would have given his people more choices, and provided them safety and security. How he or she did not use their power effectively, thus