J. Cole Shows A Variety Of Political Messages

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Media, especially entertainment media, has exhibited a wide variety of political messages throughout history. These messages have been presented in music, television, and movies, some messages being more obvious than others. Entertainment media is an ideal place to insert political messages because the information will reach a substantial amount of people. Millions of people everyday listen to music, or watch television, and they are exposed to these political messages in some way, shape, or form. Often these messages support one side of the argument that is being presented over the other. Some examples of political messages in media could include topics such as racism, abortion, women’s rights, flaws in the government, gun control, and so …show more content…

Where am I gon get that money?” and “I refuse to bring my boy or my girl in this world / when I aint got shit to give ‘em / and I’m not with them niggas who be knocking girls up and skate out / so girl, you gotta think bout how the options weigh out what's the way out?”. J. Cole discusses many plausible reasons that people might want to get an abortion, such as them not being ready for a kid mentally, financially, and also because its not fair to bring a child into this world when their parents will not be able to adequately provide for them. The second, and most important role that J. Cole plays in this song is the role of the pregnant girlfriend. While in this role he sings about what her thoughts and feelings are after her boyfriend suggests getting an abortion. The girl in this song believes that they have no right playing the role of God, and that she is responsible for the life that she helped create. These ideas can be seen in lines such as “Now I’m pregnant you don’t wanna get involved muthafucka? / tryna take away a life, is you God mothafucka? / I don’t think so” and “This a new life up in my stomach / regardless if I’m your wife, this new life here I’mma love it / I ain't budging, I’ll do this by my muthafucking self”. In this song, J. Cole fairly presents both sides of a very heated topic, and he doesn’t pick a side until the very last line of the song. He leaves his listeners with a question about abortion that really evokes thought by saying “Swear they get pregnant for collateral it’s like extortion / man if that bitch really pregnant tell her get an abortion / Uh, but what about your seed nigga?”. I agree with the political message in this song, which is that abortion is not the right thing to do and that life should be valued. The reason I agree with this is because I believe that all life is precious, and that killing a potential life is unethical. Also I believe that everything happens for a