JB Hi-Fi Swot Analysis

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JB Hi-Fi is an Australian retailer or seller of consumer electronics, as well as a supplier of video games, Blue-rays, DVDs and CDs either second hand or brand new. It is a chain store which its headquarters are located in Melbourne. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/General/Corporate/Consumer-Matters/ Over the years JB Hi-Fi has grown rapidly beginning from just one, JB Hi-Fi now has two hundred and ten stores across Australia. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/Documents/Announcements/Company%20Announcement%20-%202014%20Full%20Year%20Results.pdf In 2015 JB Hi-Fi Limited had 7320 employees in Australia including employees from all subsidiaries under the company 's control. http://www.ibisworld.com.au/car/default.aspx?entid=9961 JB Hi-Fi was established

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