
James Fenimore Cooper Research Paper

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James Cooper, later on James Fenimore Cooper, was an American author who is mostly known for his book The Last of the Mohicans (Boston College). He was pompous as he aged. In Cooper, the Pioneer it is said that he prefaced a novel with “If anything from the pen of the writer of these romances is at all to outlive himself, it is, unquestionably…’The Leather Stocking Tales” (Cooper, The Pioneer). James Fenimore Cooper’s upraising speaks for his high level of literacy knowledge, and for his influential writing. His writing goes from a good note in becoming a popular figure in his works in fiction and nonfiction but his works and public image steadily decline as he ages with works on his political views as well as social views. According to Cooper, the Pioneer; James is one of the first great novelist but he will not be considered the first novelist because of his notable predecessors. Cooper’s career was successful in most regards with his 30 novels in total even though his career started due to a challenge he exclaimed to his wife saying “I could write a better book than that myself!” (Boston College). His life inadvertently started his career turning him from a man that did not like to write a …show more content…

Cooper was born in Burlington, New Jersey but wasn’t raised there because of his family moving to Cooperstown.(James Fenimore Cooper 1). Cooper was the second youngest out of thirteen children that his parents had.( Boston College 2). This move allowed James to be trained more in studies then paying off in him going to Yale at the early of thirteen(Matt Brundage 1). James Cooper was eventually kicked out for pranks during his junior year such as blowing up a student’s door with gun powder and also putting a donkey in a professor’s chair(Matt Brundage

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