James Frey's Accomplishments

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James Frey was American author, he had many accomplishments during his life. He came out with many books but one lie had changed his life forever. He went threw a lot of obstacles to get where he is today. Even thru the tough times he always managed to keep life going and break thru the conflicts in life and wrote amazing books.

He Grew up in Cleveland and suburban Michigan he then Graduated from Denison College. Frey produced his first piece of real writing in 1994 called “a lot of nonsense,” and It went nowhere. He then tried screenwriting he then decided in 2000 he didn’t want to be just another hack screenwriter. At age 14 he was drinking and smoking pot. He started battling with alcohol addiction and spent many years in rehab. When he finally got out of rehab in 2003. He wrote a book called A Million Pieces. A Million Pieces was based on his addiction and recovery. When he 1st published it someone told him ‘This is unpublishable. This would get destroyed in my workshop.’ because they said it …show more content…

Book editor Judith Regan came out with a book called A Million Little Lies to make a fool out of James. Many ex-fans told him they hoped he would die or become an addict again. He responded by saying “A lot of people would have been happy if I had gone back, if I had started drinking or using drugs. I wasn’t going to give anybody the pleasure of that.” Many fans also offered him support by e-mailing him or when they saw him streets, and he still had many close friends that stood by his side. When Frey returned to New York two months later nothing there had changed. Numerous lawsuits were still held accountable. Frey doesn’t apologize for screwing with the rules because rules are there for breaking. Another famous quote of his is ¨It’s nice to be the dad who lends a helping hand at the pre-school, but it’s hard to let go of the boy who breaks the