James Knox Polk Dbq

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James Knox Polk: November 2, 1795 – June 15, 1849 (President 1845-1849)

Polk was born in North Carolina in 1795 to Samuel and Jane Polk. He was well educated and even graduated with honors from the University of North Carolina in 1818. Before becoming President Polk studied law, worked as a clerk for the Tennessee Senate, served in Tennessee Militia, served in Congress, Speaker of the House, Governor of Tennessee and ran for United States Vice President during the 1844 election and ended up being nominated or the Presidential position. He emerged with the nickname ‘dark horse’ because many voters were unfamiliar with him. During that time he was the youngest president to be nominated. He had a very clear agenda while in the White House and …show more content…

Jackson was brought up poor and received very little formal education. He will always be remembered as a war hero for his contributions in winning the battle of New Orleans. Before becoming President Jackson was a successful attorney, plantation owner, and served in the United States Senate. The election of 1829 was much different than prior elections, firstly there were fewer voting restrictions allowing three times as many people to vote, secondly this election was more based on the candidate’s personality and personal lives as opposed to the real issues at hand. While former President Adams was being criticized for his unfavorable characteristics, Jackson was also being picked apart. Before Jacksons Presidency even began he acquired a bad reputation for being a heavy drinker, he even had his face placed on bottles of ‘Old Hickory’ a bourbon whisky labeled after Jacksons nickname. He was also known to be a very heavy smoker and often called Mr. Chimney, there were rumors he would blow smoke in people’s face who did not partake. Jackson enjoyed fighting, was known for being a womanizer and had a very bad temper that was displayed during his military experience. Additionally Jackson had serious health complications from two bullets that hit him during his time in the military that caused him to have bad diarrhea. Despite Jacksons bad reputation be was still elected to be President of the United States, aside from all the negative sides of him, Jackson was a common man that many people could relate to. He was a man who reached success but never forgot where he started from and that alone allowed many voters to gain respect for him, and give every common man hope of becoming someone great. After he won the election Jackson replaced 20% of government employees with common people, and gained many