James Madison Dbq

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“Political theorist, Virginian, statesman, and fourth president of the United States, James Madison was the enemy of political tyranny in all its forms and a vigilant defender of the people's liberties.”(ABC Clio) This is an explanatory essay about one of the signers of the constitution, James Madison.

James Madison was born on March 16, 1751, in Port Conway, Virginia. James was the oldest of 12 children. Madison also was raised on the family plantation, Montpelier, in Orange County, Virginia. At age 18, Madison left Montpelier to attend the College of New Jersey. After James had graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1771, he decided to remain for an additional six months, he wanted to study in law and theology with the goal of becoming …show more content…

Madison was also the 4th president of the united states, and ran from March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1817; James served two terms as president. “In 1780, he became the youngest person elected to the Continental Congress”(ABC-Clio). During his four years as a member of the Second Continental Congress, he became a well known person as well as a “highly respected debater” (ABC-Clio).

James Madison, also dedicated his life to public service’s. While serving in the Virginia Assembly from 1784 to 1786, Madison played a major role in bringing about the series of meetings that led to the “making” of the Constitution; “father of hr constitution”. Among the 55 delegates who met in Philadelphia in 1787, they were there to correct flaws in the Articles of Confederation, Madison was also recognized as the “best prepared scholar of political history.” …show more content…

besides the victory, Madison was often criticized and blamed for the difficulties stemming from the war. Trade stopped between the U.S. and Europe, hurting American merchants once again, which was bad for a lot of Americans. New England threatened secession from the Union. The Federalists undermined Madison’s efforts; and Madison was forced to flee Washington, D.C., in August 1814 as British troops invaded and burned buildings, including the White House, the Capitol, and also the Library of Congress.
Weary from battle, Britain and the U.S. had agreed to negotiate to end to the war. The Treaty of Ghent was signed in December 1814 in Europe. Before word of the peace agreement reached America, a major victory for U.S. troops at the Battle of New Orleans (December 1814-January 1815) helped shine a positive light on the controversial war. Throughout the war, it was was mismanaged, there were some key victories that emboldened the Americans. Once blamed for the errors in the war, Madison was had hailed for its