James Monroe Influential President

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James Monroe was a great influential president. Monroe was one of the many president’s of the United States. He came into this world on the 28th of April in 1758, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. His parents were Spence Monroe and Elizabeth Jones Monroe. Monroe’s father, Spence, was a carpenter and a planter. His family came over from Scotland in the mid-1600s. James attended the school of Campbelltown Academy from 1769 to 1774. Monroe was an outstanding student and many looked up to him (History.com). James Monroe practiced law under former president Thomas Jefferson. Through their work they became very close friends. Monroe was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1782. In 1783 to 1786, Monroe served as part of the Continental …show more content…

During the time of the Louisiana Purchase Monroe was the minister of Britain from 1803 to 1807. During this time he had a very complicated time with United State’s possession of West Florida. The United States attempted to claim Florida territory as part of the Louisiana Purchase. After many long discussions Monroe could not get the Spanish government to agree. Monroe united with Special Commissioner William Pickney. In the year of 1806 they impeded British impressments of United States sailors to try to secure neutral trading rights. Together the two planned the Monroe-Pickney treaty but, did not deal with impressments, and President Jefferson refused to send the treaty to the senate. While serving as Secretary of State in 1811 Monroe swayed himself that a declaration of war against Great Britain was the best option to alter British policies. Madison and Monroe encouraged the issue of a war of declaration. The War of Declaration was issued on the 17th of June in the year 1812. Monroe adeptly managed to increase the United States Military occupation of Florida and served as Secretary of War during the War of 1812. Although there was no clear winner, the United States came from the war with a new look. During his presidency, Monroe’s main changes stemmed from the slump of the Spanish Empire in the Americas and the Russian Tsar Alexander’s hopes to increase the population on the Oregon Coast. Monroe responded effectively. In 1819 he successfully managed the total Acquisition of Florida. Along with his influential Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine, it kept the imperial European powers against interfering in the affairs of the newly independent Latin American states or potential U.S. territories in the Western hemisphere. It remained the intellectual underpinnings of the doctrine, Monroe granted diplomatic recognition to