James Naismith: A Very Brief History Of Basketball

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”It's crazy how much this orange ball has given to me and my family.” says Giannis(a bucks NBA player). He's right it's just an orange ball and it changed his whole life. It's interesting by how much money you get for just playing a sport. Russell Westbrook, a famous player made 250 million in 5 years .Also in the game of basketball many rules have changed. It grew so much to a legue called the NBA. This is where all the professinal players play and become really popular It's crazy just how a person makes a sport with only 13 rules and becomes big. The main things that I thought about the history of basketball was who invented it, what the changed were in the game and the good and bad causes of the sport. James Naismith had a problem, there were no sports to play in the winter, so …show more content…

For example Paul George had a horrible actident, he broke his leg and his bone popped out. You need to be tough in this sport, and can’t be scared.
Accoarding to livestrong.com, a distanvantage of basketball, coaches favor people being taller so if you are short, your not out of luck you just have a less chance on that team. Playing in the NBA you travel tons, from state to state, your never going to see your family.
One of the good things about basketball is you get money. People make 1 million dollars in one year just for playing a sport and coaches get about 7 million. Accoarding to work.chron.com players get paid for lifting weights and jumping. Health, you run back and forth and back and forth on the court and that keeps you in fit and some teams make you lift weights so you even get stronger. Popularity is another big thing, when someone says Lebron James everyone knows who they are because he is good and a really popular NBA player.
The History of basketball changed a lot of people's lives , such as playing the game or even