
Jan Van Eyck's Cultural Changes

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Throughout the world's history there has been major advancements in political, social, and many cultural changes. The changes have a lot of different causes that often have major impact on the lives of the people and their environment. The Renaissance was the “rebirth” of Greek and Roman knowledge. During the Middle Ages figures were fully clothed unlike the Renaissance, The Renaissance expressed more human features and expression in the artwork, and The Renaissance used 3D figures with more warm colors. Jan Van Eyck, a famous artist from the Renaissance, painted figures in detail expressing what the Renaissance is about. These changes in history helped spread knowledge throughout the world. The Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth” that started in Italy around the 14th century. The Renaissance was the cultural rebirth of Greek and Roman knowledge, art, and architecture. During this time artist were …show more content…

Jan Van Eyck was known as the inventor of oil paintings because his art was one of the first to use oil paint. The oil paint he used created colorful paintings that expressed what the Renaissance art was like. He often made portraits of people that was accurate to the human body showing off his ability to create detailed artwork. He mainly painted portraits of people with details expressing the facial structure and expression on their face. These facial details made it easier for someone observing the artwork to tell the mood of the painting. In his paintings there were often a lot of symbols that's related to religion and the church. A famous figure he used to paint was the Virgin Mary because she was seen as an important figure towards the catholic religion. Jan made a workshop for painters to create copies of his paintings to put all over different churches. Years later only a few copies of his certain paintings still exist to this day in

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