Jane Addams As A Pioneer In Social Work

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Throughout my work in the BSW program and psychology studies at UW, I have learned a lot about the Social Work pioneers, such as Jane Addams and Mary Richmond. Jane Addams is probably one of the most mentioned pioneers in social work history, although Mary Richmond overcame so many obstacles to do the work she did and define case work and social reform. She is a wonderful role-model regarding overcoming stigmas and what can be accomplished without many tools at her disposal. Furthermore, the example set by her grandmother at the dinner tables is a testament to the influence that we have over our youth at home and how our influence can reshape the world. The refresher regarding these social work pioneers is always welcome and inspiring in my field of study and moving forward in my own work as a social work. …show more content…

I am intrigued by his hard work and dedication to blacks in the field of social work and his conviction in battling the ignorance of segregation. I believe that there are many black pioneers that have worked tirelessly to end the obliviousness of inequality of minorities in our country. Most glory is often given to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who deserves the gratitude his work in social justice, but pioneers like Dr. E. Franklin Frazier and countless others like him, helped pave the way at the expense of self-social sacrifice and ridicule for Dr. King to accomplish what he did. I would appreciate and encourage for our program to highlight more individuals like Dr. E. Franklin Frazier in our studies, not only to educate, but also to inspire us and encourage us to go beyond our goals in social