Sulfur Research Paper

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2.5.7 Sulfur Sulfur content in biodiesel is limited to 15 ppm maximum by ASTM D6751.Therefore, it is important to know the original feedstock sulfur content since it can contribute to biodiesel sulfur content. The determination of sulfur in the feedstocks was done using ASTM D7039, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel by Monochromatic Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry [10]. Sulfur analyzer manufactured by X-Ray Optical Systems used to measure the amount of sulfur. The value of sulfur in Jatropha oil is 3.5 (ppm) in accordance with ASTM D7039. 2.5.8 Phosphorous, Calcium, and Magnesium: ASTM D6751 requires phosphorous in biodiesel be limited to 10 ppm (0.001 % mass maximum) and the combined amount …show more content…

The value of the properties of oil and biodiesel is slightly deviate from standards but these are acceptable and meets the standard requirements. 2.6 FATTY ACID COMPOSITION The major saturated fatty acids in Jatropha curcas seed oil were palmitic and stearic acids, the main unsaturated fatty acid were oleic acid and linoleic acid .The two oil sample of Jatrophacurcas contained saturated and unsaturated acid respectively. Jatropha curcas oil can be classified in the oleic and linoleic acid group. Linoleic acid which is one of the most important poly unsaturated fatty acids in human food because of its prevention of distinct heart vascular diseases [16].Jatropha curcas oil is predominantly made up of oleic and linoleic acids respectively. It is observed 0 % of linolenic acid C18:3. This prevalence of the unsaturated fatty acids and the high values of the iodine index indicate that the Jatropha curcas oil is of the unsaturated type.[17] Table 3. Relative percent composition of fatty acid in Jatropha curcas seed oil. NO Fatty acid Structure …show more content…

• It can be grown almost any where even in sandy, saline, or otherwise infertile soil. • It is easy to spread (a cutting simply pushed into the ground will take root). • It naturally repels both animals and insects. • Jatropha plant does not exhaust the nutrients in the land. • Jatropha plant does not require expensive crop rotation. • Jatropha plant does not require fertilizers. • Jatropha plant grows quickly and establishes itself easily. • For Jatropha plant no displacement of food crops is necessary. • Jatropha plant is great for developing countries in terms of energy and jobs creation. •The biodiesel byproduct, glycerine, is profitable in itself. •The waste plant mass after oil extraction of jatropha plant can be used as a fertilizer. •The plant recycles 100% of the CO₂ emissions produced by burning the biodiesel. •The plant can be used to prevent and control erosion and to reclaim land. • Jatropha plant oil is being extensively used for making soap in some countries because it has a very high saponification value. • Jatropha plant oil is used as an illuminant as it burns without emitting

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