Jealousy Definition Essay

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* The pics demonstrate its reality itself; however, that may not fall under verity and originality; indeed, one may enjoy that, cannot build a relationship.

* It is much easier, to teach an uneducated person than the backward cultural values persistent and tenacious one, who lives into yesterday, not today.

* The words, thoughts, plans, advises and decisions stay failure until action, whether resulting in defeat or victory.

* The victory can become a defeat by the idiocy of the fool and a silly one.

* Jealousy holds alarm of danger and fear; whereas, envy displays the feeling of desire and deprivation.

* Denying and humiliating own values of society, culture, literature, and beliefs is an act of self-suicide.

* A lover ignores …show more content…

* Stay away from negative people. They have a problem, for every solution.
Albert Einstein

* Every subject and object, hold positive and negative effects; it is a natural way and completion of it too.
Ehsan Sehgal

* The dream is a migration of thoughts and spirit towards the reality or illusion; one achieves the success, and one bears the failure.

* How often you click a name or names that you adore and love, speak the truth.

* Missing the subject or object describes as the sufferings from emptiness and powerlessness.

* Impact of tricks, lies, and bribe or false and wrong approach cannot reach and win the real and true love.

* Such democracy that, fails to establish the teamwork without distinction collapses within its frame since it causes a deficiency itself, to qualify as a real and stable democracy.

* The humble conduct, sober character and beauty and vision of thoughts, establish your real and unique fame, not convincing ways, whether through the media or financial rain and train.

* Respect and salute your democratic values and system; otherwise, you will obey and salute your enemies; it risks a defeat of your national dignity and