Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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Introduction When the word serial killer is said what or who comes to mind? This paper will focus on three in particular; Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gracy, and the team killers of Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris.
Case One: Jeffrey Dahmer I was watching an episode of American Horror Story Hotel and one of the episodes featured past serial killers. One of which was Jeffery Dahmer. The way the presented him made me curious. The show portrayed him as a very clean and well-put together individual until they brought in a young male for him. Then his animal side came out. Unlike some serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer early childhood was not all that bad. His parents loved him and did not abuse him. His family had no hardships during his early life. …show more content…

Dahmer received a five-year probationary sentence. He was aloud to work during the day and return to the prison at night. He ended up only serving 10 months. Few years later Dahmer had a run in with law enforcement again when Dahmer’s neighbor called to report a naked boy running through the neighborhood. When police showed up Dahmer stated that they were lovers and the boy had too much to drink so they escorted them home. If they would have looked further in to the incident they would have been able to apprehend Dahmer that night. In 1991 Dahmer was arrested when one of his victims escaped. The police found the young man wondering the streets with handcuffs on. He told them the story about being drugged and led them to Dahmer’s apartment where they discovered pictures of Dahmer’s victims, severed heads in the fridge, and the knife that Dahmer used to threaten his list …show more content…

Dahmer was smart in a way when it came to victim selection. It is stated that he selected his victims from poor neighborhoods and gay bars making their disappearances less noticeable. Dahmer killd his victims by strangulation, beating them to death, and by performing lobotomies and injecting acid in to their brains in an attempt to turn them in to a zombie like state. Once he killed his victims he would have sex with their dead corps and or masturbate on the dead body. Once Dahmer was finished with the body he some times would keep a souvenir and then dispose of the body by eating the flesh or using chemicals to dissolve the flesh and throw the bones out. Once he was arrested he tried to plead insanity but the jury found him sane and sentenced to 15 life terms. A cellmate killed Dahmer in

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