
Jeffery Dahmer: The Milwaukee Cannibalistic Serial Killer

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The Milwaukee Cannibal, aka Jeffery Dahmer, born on Saturday May 21st, 1960, in Wisconsin USA. Between the years 1978 and 1991 Dahmer had murdered 17 young and homosexual males. He would sexually assault them before he had killed them. Most of Jeffery’s victims were minorities, and were apparent rebels who were soon to be criminals, which making it seem that they are less noticeable and easier to get away with the crime because no one would come searching for them. Dahmer was known as a cannibalistic serial killer, who enjoyed drilling holes in skulls, taxidermy, creating shrines from his victims remains, necrophilia, and skinning roadkill he had found, just to save the bones.

Dahmer was not a friendly person, he was mostly severed and apprehensive …show more content…

Tracy escaped his apartment and flagged down Milwaukee police. Jeffrey was then arrested.”

First mistake that Jeffery Dahmer made was trusting and being vulnerable to one of his soon to be victims, if it weren’t for Tracy Edwards charm and persuasive ways, he would have not survived. Tracy Edwards begged and convinced Dahmer that he could trust him, and when he had given him the tiny bit of trust he needed, he bolted out the door of his Milwaukee apartment and luckily, flagged down a police cruiser. They then searched his apartment which then lead them to photographs of his victim. Another mistake that Dahmer made was trying to play the insanity card, that did not work out because the jury believed that no insane person would go through with those gruesome acts of horror. Third and final mistake that Dahmer had committed was jesting about food, making it seem that those pieces of food were people’s limbs, and he would then alienate his fellow inmates with that. This was the final straw for fellow inmate

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