Jennifer Golbeck The Double Fry Conundrum Analysis

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Jennifer Golbeck: The Curly fry conundrum: Why social media “likes” say more than you might think?

Summary Computer scientist Jennifer Golbeck explains how likes and shares can guess about random facts and information from you. On how some applications of the technology are not so user- friendly and why she thinks we should return the control of information to its rightful owners. Seemly , the action of liking reflects back on the common attributes of other people who have experienced this.

Computing and communication technology enables the collection and exchange of personal information on a scale unprecedented in the history of civilization. Increasing the potential for violating the privacy of individuals and groups on facebook and other social media. 1.7 …show more content…

Students are able to work at their own pace and pause and unpause their work. 2.6 Honor contracts, agreements, and assigned responsibilities.

Having some in class activities for individual that need extra peer review as well as help of the work of others. Good qualify teachers and tutors at their disposal. 2.4 Accept and provide appropriate professional review.

Getting this generation comfortable using technology to their advantage, with the essential aim of computing professionals is to minimize negative consequences of computing systems. 1.1 Contribute to society and human well-being.

Margaret Gould Stewart: How YouTube thinks about copyright

Summary Margaret Gould Stewart talks about the rules and regulations of copyrights and how to detect it. With Copyright being the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, etc. to authorize others to do the same. By approaching the work with a great design and transient digital technologies with the end goal of improving people's lives and