Jenny Fields Essay

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Jenny Fields a women that was shot and killed for writing her novel to defend her fellow women. There are many different kinds of feminism in the world some more understanding then others but fight for the same cause. Women’s that are liberal are women’s who focus their ability to maintain their equality. For women’s that are more affined and have more hatred throws men, they are called radical feminism. For those more modern they would be called post-modern. Jenny had a big rights movement for the women’s in United State, but she then was hated by many men’s because she wrote a novel called lust. This novel of hers’ reflect on her son name Garp. Jenny was a liberal she was vary depended on her own ability as a women to do the right thing for her equality. Garp was a post-modern men …show more content…

He was a great novelist but his mom, Jenny published something that was high in demanded. Grap took everything in to his perspective and react one how he would view it. His lust for women was the key for Jenny success. Grap didn’t agree to some of the women’s choices of chopping off their tongue. So he wrote a book called Ellen because he knew she did not want other women cutting their tongue out for her. Ellen James was a post-modern feminist she understand women’s flaws. Ellen James was rape when she was younger and the guys that raped her cut off her tongue, by doing so she was not able to tell the officers who raped her. Female from around the world were shocked and started a group that stands for her. By joining the group they would have to cut off their tongue as well. This was something that Ellen never wanted to start.
Roberta was an impact character in the movie. She help Garp understand what women’s want and why. She was really understanding of both men and women because she was originally a men. Roberta was also a lot like Jenny they were both power

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