
Jericho Black As 3.9: Close Viewing Assessment

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Jericho Black AS 3.9 - Close Viewing Assessment. Roman Polanski is a director renowned for his distinct directing style, incorporating his mastery at using cinematography to show a narrative, his use of intense realism and his ability to use music to heighten the atmosphere of a scene and inspire emotion in the audience. Roman Polanski has always been at the centre of controversy, even though he might not be the greatest person, there is no denying his genius as a director. Roman Polanski skilfully uses these techniques throughout his movies to create and give life to the scene and characters that are shown, highlighting their emotions and the emotional tone of the scene. The movie I will be discussing is The Pianist, and the scene is Szpilman Playing His Life. This scene perfectly encapsulates the essence of Roman Polanski's directorial style which is the use of cinematography and use of non diegetic and diegetic sounds to …show more content…

The making of this movie was surprising given Polanski's history with this time period; this movie must have felt deeply personal to Polanski despite this he still made it, this is the reason why the movie felt so real because he had experienced all these horrors first hand. The movie serves as a reminder of humanity's innate cruelty towards itself, man, and its undeniable hate towards man. The cruelty of war and the process it follows. The movie showcases our hatred for each other and our cruelty, but also our ability to change for the better, to help others in need, to show mercy. It also shows humanity's resilience and its ability to adapt to any and all challenges in order to

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