
Jerry Sandusky Sentencing Case Study

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I do agree with the sentence imposed on Jerry Sandusky, just like I believe most people who followed this trial did. He will most likely end up not making it out of prison, the judge made this decision for many reasons. Sentencing is one of the most difficult jobs of the judge, seeing as the a judge cannot just give out any sentence he must abide by guidelines and stipulations (Bohm & Haley, 2014). During this trial Jerry Sandusky was sentenced to more than 30 years but not more than 60 (UPI Newstrack, 2012). This sentencing was efficient for a multitude of reasons, even though he could have been given more time, and it is explained by the judge that he could have done so. Although he gave a well enough reason for as to why he did not, the …show more content…

There are many influential items that were brought up during the trial that the judge used to impose his sentence. After a jury found him guilty of over 45 separate charges the sentencing process began, the judge made a statement regarding Jerry Sandusky's status in the community and the fact that he was able to become a predator without anyone knowing and was able to keep it covered up for so long (Bohm & Haley, 2014). The judge continued by also making sure that Sandusky knew the sentencing was being based on the facts brought up in court and that they are true beyond a reasonable doubt (Daily News, 2012). He also must consider the fact the way Sandusky not only committed these crimes but the way it occurred, such as how he abused the trust of the victims who at first had trusted him. These crimes that were committed were not committed against strangers and the judge makes a comment that just that fact makes this a whole lot worse than if it were actually being committed against a stranger (Daily News, 2012). Another factor that the judge may have considered was not only the crime but the damage the offender had done to not only physically but also mentally (Daily News, 2012). This is an important factor because this is something that these young men are going to have to live with for the rest of their

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