
Jesse Louis Burns Research Paper

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“if my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve”, “Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change” are both famous quotes from a famous civil rights activist, Jesse Louis Burns who was born in October 8th 1941 in Greenville South Carolina to a sharecropping family and had changed his name to Jessie Jackson at fifteen to take the last name of his of his step grandfather. His parents father, Noah Robinson was 33 years’ old and his mother Helen Burns who was still in high school at the time of his birth but they weren’t married. A year after Jesse was born his mother married Charles Henry Jackson who adopted Jesse. Jesse was born into …show more content…

But after just a year he got transferred to the agriculture and technical college of North Carolina in Greensboro where he got involved in the civil rights demonstrations in the town. In 1962 he met his spouse Jacqueline Lavinia Brown who he had married that same year and later had five children with five children with. In 1964 he graduated from college with a degree in sociology. In march of 1965 he went to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. eventually becoming a worker in his southern Christian leadership conference. he left a year later to become a full time for the SCLC where he was placed in charge. In 1968 he was working with kings inner circle and was there when he was assassinated. In 1971 he created his own organization and started his own to establish project PUSH – People United to Save Humanity, which was a group of people orchestrate economical boycotts of major operations that discriminated blacks. In the mid-1800s he established his National Rainbow Coalition that brought together diverse people to advocate for human rights. He eventually merged both his organizations together. In 1984 and 1988 Jesse ran for president and lost both times, but took lead in popular votes. He used his gift as a persuasive speaker to gain the freedom of prisoners in the war held by Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic and for …show more content…

besides this Jesse Jackson has received various awards such as the Rockefeller grant in the mid-1960s, a presidential award, National Medical Association in 1969, Humanitarian Father of the year award along with Father’s Day Committee in 1971, and numerous degrees from colleges and universities. Jesse Jackson is also known for the numerous occupations he has worked for these include being a journalist, civil rights activist, and a minister. Jesse Jackson had a common sense to efficiently handle the physical world and is a methodical man that thrives on a steady routine. He also had the traits of a confident man who was encouraging and clever who was devoted reliable helpful and loyal who was a very resourceful member of society that was bright brave and

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