Reaction Paper About Jesus Camp

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Jesus Camp Jesus Camp was a very interesting film. Many of the idiosyncrasies used may seem bizarre to many other religions. As well the film definitely seemed to have some bias. Also they portrayed what these people believe as crazy and brainwashing but underneath lies a well oiled religious machine disguised as a children’s summer camp proactively teaching children they ways of their religion. When first viewing the film the word I would use to describe Becky Fischer would have been crazy. However after watching the film I feel she is inspirational not in her religious practices but in the way she was so into what she believed. She was so passionate in what she did it was easy for her to convey her ideas to the children for them to understand and believe in what she was telling them. Another aspect I admired about this film was that they encouraged all of the kids to show emotions because in today’s society it is looked down upon if a man shows emotion. Also the props she used such as the stuffed animals and brain molds and balloons. To the children the props helped made the ideas real that they can touch and see. Many of these children such as Levi and Rachael were taught these beliefs at home and so going to this camp cemented these ideals in their heads. One odd thing that i cannot personally understand is the …show more content…

It tries to show that Evangelicals are this crazy right winged group of people by putting in the radio host explaining how these people aren't part of the encompassing Christian Love that he learned growing up and still practiced. This film also show the length people will go to gain followers for their religion. If the filmmakers wished to have seemed unbiased they would not have heavily edited what the people were saying and show some light into how other religions teach their children in relation to the