Jim Crow Laws In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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The first influence on Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird are the Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow laws are a sequence of horrific rule that were made to keep Blacks and Whites separated. The Jim Crow laws were rules on how Blacks and Whites could interact with each other (Pilgrim). Under the laws Blacks were forced to live lives of second class (Pilgrim). The laws also caused people to believe that Blacks were educationally and culturally below Whites (Pilgrim). Reasons people believed they thought they needed the laws were that Whites thought they were meant to be superior to Blacks (Pilgrim). This also included why there were different facilities for Blacks and Whites. Because some Whites were so set in their ways that if they had to dine …show more content…

Some include being arrested, this could have been the effect of a “crime” as simple as sitting in a Whites only train car (Pilgrim). Other punishments could be that Blacks lost their property after getting in trouble with the law (Pilgrim). But the most severe punishment is lynchings. Lynchings can be punishments given by law or a mob can simply take charge on there own (Pilgrim). The Jim Crow laws can be seen in To Kill a Mockingbird in many ways. Tell me about one of the laws (NOT mentioned in the Jim Crow explanation) (Pilgrim) - One of the laws we see in To Kill a Mockingbird is Whites did not have to use courtesy titles with the Blacks.Then showed me where appears in TKM - This is shown during the trial scene. Mainly during Mr. Gilmer’s questioning of Tom. During the first part of his questioning Mr Gilmer addressed him as Robinson (Lee 262). If roles had been switched around Tom would have had to address Mr. Gilmer with courtesy titles. Also during Tom’s questioning he is rarely called by Tom instead he is addressed as “boy” (Lee 263). The way Tom was being treated was so bad that Scout had to take Dill out because he had started crying at the way poor Tom was being …show more content…

Mob mentality is traits that arise when people are in large groups usually in a negative way. Mob mentality usually comes about when people are in large groups (Smith). Common traits of mobs are a aggression and chaotic group behavior (Smith). Usually not everyone in the mob is in it willingly, some just get caught up in the flow (Edmonds). People participate in mob’s because they can can feel strongly about a particular subject (Edmonds). They also may feel that because they are acting as a group they are not as likely to get caught (Smith). Individuals in the group might feel less guilty since they are acting in a group (Smith). People can participate in mob mentality because they recognize the urgency of a situation (Edmonds). Common Behaviors of people participating in mob mentality are. People in mobs usually are united for a common goal (Edmonds). Whether is be better work conditions or for people at sporting events (Edmonds). Also behaviors of people in mobs may be involuntary participate in mobs. This is common with crowd hysteria (Edmonds). Which can arise during panicked situations when a large group of people rush in a common direction (Edmonds). An example of this is most commonly seen on Black Friday. Mob mentality is shown is To Kill a Mockingbird many times. An example is the jail scene. An example of mob mentality from the article is teens vandalizing property (Smith). If a