Jimmie Lee Jackson's Impact In The Civil Rights Movement

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Civil rights helped a lot of people during the rough 1930s-1960s. Many people struggled during this time period. Some people even lost their lives fighting for their rights. Jimmie Lee Jackson stood against segregation and dedicated his life to his rights. Jimmie Lee Jackson made a big impact in the civil rights time. He became a well-known person in the civil rights time for many reasons. Jackson was born on December 16, 1938, in Marion, Alabama. In his early life, he became a civil rights activist at a young age from 1938-1965. Only at the age of 26, was Jackson shot and severely beaten by a state trooper named James Bonard Fowler. Jackson was shot during a peaceful voting rights march on February 18, 1965. He was in critical condition after being beaten and died a few days later in a hospital. In an article from Biography.com, it stated “James Fowler, the state trooper who confessed to killing Jackson, did not face any immediate repercussions …show more content…

Throughout his perseverance, his life had come to an end very quickly, but it made more people act upon civil rights. For this reason, Jackson continued to make several attempts to register as a voter, even though he knew it was against the law. Jackson took part in as many civil rights marches and protests as he could before his life came to an end. Nonviolence was a method that a lot of civil rights activists also used. That is to say, black’s wanted to end segregation, inequality, and racism. As a result, they wanted a peaceful world and they wanted to make social change. For this reason, many civil rights activists, including Jimmie Lee Jackson, followed Martin Luther King Jr.’s principles of nonviolence. Civil rights activists also wished that newspapers and television reporters would somehow show the world the violence that blacks got, in the hope to spread the reason why blacks were in a lower-ranked position in the South