Jimmy Valentine Quotes

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3rd Quarter District Performance Event Jimmy Valentine is man who makes a big change in his life that other men can not do. Jimmy Valentine is a criminal who decides to change his ways and change into Ralph D. Spencer. (alter-ego) Jimmy goes through a lot of ups and downs to improve in his moral character.In the end Jimmy saves a little girl named Agatha, but Ralph loses his secret identity. Jimmy Valentine was truly dedicated to living a moral life because Valentine made statements proving he changed, saved a little girl’s life, and surrendered to a cop even though he could have escaped. Valentine made statements proving he had changed. Jimmy is very serious about his change. “I wouldn’t touch a dollar of another man’s money now for a million.Jimmy really has changed if he is going to marry the banker’s …show more content…

Jimmy even cracked the harder safes to crack without much trouble because he didn’t get caught. “ Two weeks after that a patented, improved burglar proof safe in Logansport was opened up like cheese to the tune of 1500 dollars…” Jim made all his burglaries very similar. “By comparing notes, a remarkable similarity in the methods of the burglaries was noticed.” Jimmy stayed cocky and made an autograph each time he burgled a bank. “That’s dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph. He’s resumed business.” But Jimmy was definitely trying to be a changed man and better. Jimmy Valentine saved a little girl risking his secret identity, made statements that proved he changed, and surrendered to Ben Price (cop) even though he could have escaped because Jimmy was truly dedicated to living a moral life. Even though Jim didn’t demonstrate good character all the time he was still a good person. Jimmy improved his integrity on moral character. He could have gotten in trouble with the police if they found out about his secret identity. Even bad people can become good people if they try hard

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