Teacher Job Satisfaction Essay

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Literature review
Literature review is separated into the following themes: what is job satisfaction, concept of job satisfaction in relation to teaching, job dissatisfaction, job characteristics, meaningfulness of job, secondary school, government secondary school, community government school, Non government school, significance of job, research design methodology theories of motivation and factors influence job satisfaction of teachers, the work itself, pay, promotion, work group, relationship between job satisfaction and variables of; gender, age, marital status, professional qualifications, job experience, subject combination, school type, remuneration, the working conditions, job security, leadership and organizational culture.
What Is …show more content…

General life is a chief power on the daily psychological physical condition of a teacher. This in twist has a force on teachers ‘job performance (Andrew and Whitney, 1974). There is evidences howing that job satisfaction is related to physical and mental health and that job satisfaction contributes to improved overall mental health (Cherrington, 1989). Cherrington further contends that irritation and depression caused by an unpleasant job permeates individual’s life and make workers feel depressed both on the job and at home. Because employees work harder and execute better if satisfied with their jobs (Beder, 1990), knowing the determinants of job satisfaction could help stop staff irritation and low job satisfaction. Teacher job satisfaction is a source of motivation that sustains effort in performing tasks required of good teachers (Watsonetal,1991)such tasks include homework of scheme of work, daily lesson plans, careful …show more content…

According to Spector (1997, 2), job satisfaction is defined as “simply how people feel about their special aspects of their jobs. It is the point to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs.” Additionally, Mbua (2003, 305) then, defines job satisfaction as “the completion acquire by experience various job activities and rewards.” Whereas, for Robbins (2005), the concept job satisfaction refers to the employee’s thoughts about her or his job. Similarly, job satisfaction is “a positive feeling about one‟s job consequential from an evaluation of its characteristics” (Robbins & Judge, 2008, 20). furthermore, job satisfaction is defined as “the amount of value a school places on its human resources” (Lunenburg and Ornstein, 2004, 66). They also refer to it as job confidence which according to Luthans and Kreitner (1975), “has been replaced by job satisfaction”. However, Evans (1997) contends that whether researchers in this field agree or disagree on the definition of certain concepts is not an issue of any importance. She acknowledges the ambiguity of the concept of job satisfaction and suggests the need for re-conceptualization of the phenomenon (ibid). This implies that there is a conceptual