John Birch Society Research Paper

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Many people do not know about the John Birch Society. If they do, they are most likely some part of it. The John Birch Society was an anti-communism group that desperately wanted to overthrow the United States government in order to defeat Communism. But an even smaller amount of people knows about Penn Jones Jr. who fought and spoke out against the travesties that happened around him in a small town of Texas. In April of 1961, Penn Jones Jr’s newspaper plant The Midlothian Mirror was bombed because of the outspoken articles that Jones had written about the school board and the John Birch Society.

During the Eisenhower Administration from 1952 to 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower focused on domestic reform, foreign policy, and the space race. All …show more content…

Warren was elected Chief Justice by the nomination of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Warren was also most famously known for Warren Court, which outlawed segregation in public schools and created an even-based Congress. Schools and most religious sanctuaries target those who attend, such as school children and parishes, and feed them Communist lessons; at least, that is what the John Birch Society members believed. To the John Birch Society, the world was split between two types of people: those who agree with their own beliefs and are not Communists; and those who do not agree with them and are Communists. There is no middle ground, no grey area. Robert Welch was quoted in the newspaper above stating: “But I am the only person who is available [to lead this group] and my way is the only way. There is no other choice.” Arguing, debating, and any and all compromise was prohibited with Welch calling it “useless parliamentaray procedures.” The John Birch Society was the original anti-Communism group, even though many others would rise up and try to join forces. Robert Welch also wrote a book titled ‘The Politicians” which was supposed to be given only to those in high positions of the John Birch Society. Jack Mabley, a newspaper reporter for the Chicago America, outed the book to the public in one of his articles, showing the world that the John Birch Foundation believed that President Dwight D. Eisenhower and all those in government with him were all communists. While the book was meant for private eyes, Robert Welch accepted all criticism, even though it caused many Republicans to lean away from him and the