John Brown Argumentative Essay

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The connection between Southern economy and slavery would be that most of the South revolved around the idea of slavery. Most of the African Americans did the work in the South, along with some women. Most slaves contributed to farming and cotton making, while others had jobs such as butlers, maids, seamstresses, carriage drivers and stable hands. The slaves did all of the work that the American people didn't want to do, and the only ones earning wealth were the white slave owners. Slaves were what kept the economy going in the South. Slaves were mostly used to work on plantations, used for growing crops and making materials using the new invention, the cotton gin. If the Virginia Assembly had voted to free enslaved people I do believe that …show more content…

Brown wanted to start his own sort of war, and started by attacking a guard at a railroad station. After taking the guard prisoner, a train had passed by, scaring the slaves until they shot the railroad worker who happened to be a black man. After this incident many of the slaves who helped him abandoned the uprising, and soon enough the Virginian soldiers raided the engine house John Brown had taken over. In a last attempt to fight, Brown was captured, and was taken to court. By then the African American slaves along with the Abolitionists had recognized him as a hero, claiming that his trial was not fair and that he didn't deserve the trial that had taken …show more content…

Because the Civil War started because of arguments of the legality of slavery; the South was increasing in slavery while the North wanted to abolish it. If this argument had been settled the war most likely would have died down or even ended. But other problems could arise, such as what would happen to the African Americans that had been slaves. Would they all be free citizens? African Americans had never really been treated well, even though the Declaration of Independence says that all men are created equal. Depending on how the newly free people are treated, more issues could start if they are treated

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