John Brown Dbq

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“We rejoice that old BROWN has been hung. He was not only a murderer of innocent persons, but he attempted one of the greatest crimes against society” (Charlestown News Document H). John Brown, an abolitionist who made many choices in his life, both good and bad. There are many people who think that John Brown is a hero, while there are also many people who think John Brown was a villain. This topic is important because both heroes and villains have an impact on people’s lives, whether positive or negative, it’s an impact. Being a hero or a villain is very different and there are different ways to identify who someone is, a hero or a villain. John Brown killed innocent people. During the Sack of Lawrence, John Brown and his followers killed …show more content…

Later in a letter to prosecutor Andrew Hunter, he states that he gave the slaves a chance to fight back though he never intended to free the slaves. Usually, if someone says something very serious like that they would dedicate their life to free slaves, they would most likely stick to their word and not contradict everything they’ve ever done in their life. “ I intended to convey this idea, that it was my object to place the slaves in a condition to defend their liberties, if they would, without any bloodshed, but not that I intended to run them out of the slave States” (Brown Document G). John Brown says that he gave the slaves the chance to fight for their lives while he didn’t actually intend to free them, while in his speech, he tells everyone that he did not want people to die and that he only wanted to “free” the slaves. It is often thought that John Brown was a hero because he had many supporters who supported his doings. Even though he had many supporters, we cannot ignore the fact that he had just as many people who did not support

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