Barack Obama Is A Hero Essay

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For as long as I can remember, John F. Kennedy has been my biggest hero. Part of the reason I admire him so much is because of all that he accomplished in his lifetime. Before Kennedy became president, he risked his life to save a fellow sailor while he was in the Navy. As president, Kennedy fought for laws that would create a more just world. He advocated for gender an racial equality, as well as fair treatment for disabled people. Kennedy remained brave as he tirelessly navigated America through the Cuban Missile Crisis. He also gave the entire country hope in the midst of the Cold War by announcing his intent to get a man to the moon by the end of the 1960s. In addition, Kennedy was a devoted husband and father, and he was dedicated to …show more content…

I remember how excited I was when he elected and reflected, because he is someone whom I admire greatly. Barack Obama is a Democratic politician who became the forty-fourth president of America in 2009. He worked his way up as a politician and eventually got into politics, where he started advocating for human rights, and racial rights in particular. Barack Obama is married to Michelle Obama and has two daughters. As president, he fought for affordable health care and a permanent end to hunger in America. Obama also fought for immigration, African American, and LGBTQ+ rights. He believes that true social justice comes from equality and equal opportunities for …show more content…

Obama is, above all, is inspiring, giving, and good-hearted. Obama is inspiring for many reasons, even before he became president, he gave many public speeches with a certain zeal that had the ability to inspire others to take action. He is very passionate about all that he does, and this radiates. He was America’s first African American president, and this inspired many people by proving that hard work pays off, regardless of race. He worked hard to earn everything he accomplished, and this determination has been contagious. Obama inspires me to be more active in my community. In addition, Obama is very giving. He does a lot of volunteering, because he wants to give his time to help others. Specifically, he volunteers at K.I.D.S. and local food banks. He also gives a lot of money to help people in need. When he won a Nobel Prize for his humanitarian work, he donated all of the money to several organizations to give back. As president, Obama read books to kids and made sure to spend time with the people he led, again showing that he prioritized giving back to others. Finally, Obama is good-hearted. He makes sure that everything he does benefits others. He truly wants to make a positive impact on the world, and he uses his leadership platform to advocate for others. Someone who is good-hearted sees the good in everyone and fights