John Houser Went Too Far Analysis

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NEW YORK CITY — “Theses shootings have to stop.” One can hear the strong emotions that Amy Schumer holds in her voice on this public outcry for government to address and enforce better gun laws to ensure the safety of the people. It was only several weeks earlier that the topic of gun control became so personal for Amy Schumer. On July 23, 2015 a 59 year old man by the name of John Russell Houser pulled out a gun and opened fire in a movie theater of 60 people in Lafayette, Louisiana. That same night 3 people were killed. The lives of 2 innocent young ladies were taken and the third person that was killed was John Houser, in addition 9 people were critically injured according to a CBS news article. The movie that everyone was in attendance …show more content…

The tragic news that occurred at Umpqua Community College reached national attention immediately, so it is understandable if many felt that the public service announcement skit by Amy Schumer was uncalled for. According to an unscientific online poll 83% answered that the video was simply “Good Humor” while only 17% answered that the video “Went Too Far,” according to a poll taken by NBC …show more content…

And here come the comments screaming " Look what happened in Oregon. " As if owning a gun and supporting the SA makes me share the evil of madmen.” While another viewer went on to write “I'm not for the proliferation of guns, I'm also not for strict gun control. It's too late for gun control in the USA, the cats out of the bag. Too many guns in circulation & we're not gonna go door to door seizing guns. What is disturbing to me is how unreasonable the NRA, gun manufacturers & gun nuts are. The deliberate misrepresentation of the second amendment can be demonstrated in the following comment “Small dick gun nuts want access to any type of weaponry possible, to include nukes & drones. I think the skit is an accurate portrayal of your typical gun