When analyzing the basic elements of American political culture, the ideas for John Locke and Adam Smith can be noted. For instance, John Locke made the argument that the authority the government is legitimized based on the consent from the governed. While all individuals have are “natural rights”. While Adam Smith noted the importance on limiting the government to protect the citizen’s economic rights. Locke’s ideas can be observed in the basic elements of American political culture within the structure. In America, the government is given legitimacy based on citizen participation. This can be seen through elections and voter participation. Also, the natural rights John Locke expressed can be seen in the basic rights individuals have that are protected through the Constitution of the United States of America. …show more content…
With John Locke’s ideas on how the government is legitimized and the natural rights individuals have and Adam Smith’s philosophy that focused on how to limit the power of the government and protect the rights citizens had with the economy. These ideas could be seen shaping the ideas of the well-known leader in the American Revolution name Thomas Jefferson who ended up constructing the Declaration of Independence. Within Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of independence, he included the ideas provided by both John Locke and Adam Smith. With both John Locke’s idea on natural rights and how the government is given legitimacy. The idea that people are born with certain rights and the government cannot give or take them away. Whereas Adam Smith’s idea that the government must be limited to protect the rights of the public were also noted. These rights can be seen in play today as the government decides on new tax plans. When observing the formation of the current American political culture, both John Locke and Adam Smith’s ideas are