John's Message Of Baptism In The Bible

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Most to all people of faith have heard or Baptism in some way shape or form, whether they have been baptized themselves, or have experienced the baptism of another, it is often said that it is a very special experience. When one thinks of baptism, the truest ant tried examples of baptism in the Bible come from John the Baptist. The life of John the Baptist was significantly important in the Bible, especially the success of Jesus, focusing on several main messages. John’s message concerning Jesus, his emphasis on the coming kingdom and the demands of the citizens, and his warning of the ultimate judgment, and the validation of Baptism in Christianity. Through the Bible, many lessons are derived from John and the things he did which were so important …show more content…

Through this message we are able to take our religious path seriously and dedicate ourselves to our cause. According to the bible, we must create our lives after John’s by first examining ourselves to be sure we are truly in the faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5, and also “to live is Christ and to die is gain” Philippians 1:21. This thought is interesting to many as it allows them to not fear death, but almost gives a sort of reverence for death in which we know we will move on to a greater place, in the eyes of God. We see time and time again how his only purpose he felt was to guide others to Jesus. Through John, we see bravery as well as strength from the lord as he makes many choices in which he must hold true to his word, although he may be persecuted or judged differently for …show more content…

He was said to have stood strong in his faith throughout some of the most difficult positions of a man of god throughout the bible. Paul reminded Timothy that “everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” 2 Timothy 3:12. We must look at this from the point of view of the time in which John lived. In our lives, no matter how strong, or weak our faith may be at the time, we have the freedom to do as we please, but John was not granted such great freedom. His beliefs led him to some difficult and dark places, including continued imprisonment and his own eventual death. It is hard for many to imagine that John did not doubt the lord at any time during his life, as many of us have during difficult times. He was imprisoned and forced to question his lord, yet he still stood strongly in the eyes of the lord. At one point, John asks Jesus “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" Matthew 11:3. We can take away that our faith will be tested early and often in our religious lives, and like John, we must stand strong and not fall from the eyes of our Lord, and as Jesus said: “I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John” (Luke