Johnson Technical Outsourcing Agency (JTOA)

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IT infrastructure refers to the composite hardware, software, network resources and services required for the existence, operation and management of an enterprise IT environment It allows an organization to deliver IT solutions and services to its employees, partners and/or customers and is usually internal to an organization and deployed within owned facilities (Stroud). Johnson Technical Outsourcing Agency, realizes its IT Infrastructure is the back-bone of the organization and without these systems in place JTOA would be unable to run the business smoothly. Furthermore, the speed, efficiency and productivity of our workforce and of operations is largely dependent on the IT infrastructure we have.

To remain competitive in the growing market, …show more content…

Our Chief Financial Officer (CFO), market managers, and employees will require vast amount of information to satisfy these growing needs. The JTOA will deploy an enterprise application software (Oracle- Marketing Solutions) that will empower our staff to plan, manage, execute, analyze and maximize returns on all customer-centric marketing activities (Oracle). The data created form this software will provide critical intel which will enable our employees to properly reach out to prospects, customers, investors and the community, and create an overarching image that represents your company in a positive …show more content…

For gaining the competitive advantages, Porter suggested that going through the chain of organization activities will add more value to the product and services than the sum of added cost of these activities (Laundon). The JTOA realizes out company’s activities must outweigh, outwork, and outreach our competitors to remain competitive in today’s marketplace. Using Potter’s Value Chain Analysis, the Johnson Technical Outsourcing Agency had to discover a competitive edge over our competitors. By conducting an analysis or internal audit of our agency to determine which activities that were profitable that increase our revenue shares and eliminate those that were causing us to lose revenue. The bottom line of JTOA’s value Chain analysis is to outperform the competition in the global market. Our primary activities was geared to focus on inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and the number one entity, the service we provide for our customers. To support our primary activities, support mechanisms were develop. These support mechanisms were procurement of raw material; technology development for our workforce; Human resource management which will streamline the hiring and retention process; and the agency infrastructure. These activities will improve the JTOA’s efficiency and profitability across the board, allowing us to provide