Jonathan Edwards Rhetorical Analysis

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From the article by ENotes “Jonathan Edwards, a descendant of four generations of Puritan ministers and the most renowned and influential of Puritan leaders, became active when Puritanism was already on the wane“ (“Jonathan Edwards Biography”). The preacher that Edwards was that,“The Puritan preacher Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) relies heavily on the use of repetition in order to impress upon his audience the urgency of redemption from sin. Two of the most prominent uses of repetition within the sermon are the words “wrath” and “restrain(s) /restraint.” (“Jonathan Edwards Biography”). Edwards is trying to convey the emotion of what happens to those sinners as seen in this quote “The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow” (“Jonathan Edwards Biography”). …show more content…

Anne never attended school but was well educated by her father, Thomas Dudley.In about 1628 Anne Dudley married Simon Bradstreet, who assisted her father with the management of the Earl's estate in Sempringham. She remained married to him until her death on 16 September 1672. The complexity of her struggle between love of the world and desire for eternal life is expressed in "Contemplations," a late poem which many critics consider her best (“Anne Bradstreet”).
“Then higher on the glistering Sun I gaz'd
Whose beams was shaded by the leavie