
Josh Duggar's Cases

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When dealing with celebrities in Public relations people may not always agree with their clients, but it is important to keep an open mind and use the six principles of public relations. Most often than not, our clients may have committed serious crimes or petty incidents that ended up in the tabloids. I chose to focus on the Duggar’s because in 2015 josh Duggar the oldest brother played a controversial part in the media. He was arrested for molesting his four sisters and a babysitter which later on we found that it was more girls then that, although this happened as a young teenager, his parents covered it up saying he was just curious. This is controversial because this is a serious crime and there is more than one victim, meaning how you …show more content…

If I were to take on this case I would have him make a statement about what really happened and tell people he would get help for his problem. In the media it states he has a sex addiction so he is required to serve his time in rehab. However, in this case it was not Duggar who spoke out about his crime but his own family and the victims of his crimes. In interviews they have both Jessa and Jill speak out about their brothers betrayal and they state they are getting through this. This seems like a PR strategy because most victims would feel hatred or embarrassed not so forgiving, if they were to act forgive the press would be less harsh on Josh Duggar. He can no longer be prosecuted because of the statute of …show more content…

I do not disagree with the parents coming forward because they want to support their children, however Public relations had to keep in mind that the tabloids will spin it to seem like they too are the bad guys. The target audience for this scandal is anyone, because they are a well-known family on the TLC network 19 kids and counting. The audience can vary from adolescence to the elderly. Most common are viewers of their show, they were religious which means their church groups and neighbors would also be interested in learning more about the case to see if this family can be trusted. When I say trusted I am speaking about the incident occurring again, can families trust this family to be near their

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